Angels’ Handiwork

Beautiful artwork has come from the hands of the Angels through sketching and weekly arts and crafts classes.  The beautiful results are featured at local markets and vendor booths throughout Pearland and surrounding cities. With donations from the community and help of volunteers, the Angels sand and paint birdhouses, create beautiful canvas pieces, learn weaving and beading patterns, produce unique greeting cards, and so much more!

Donation Request

Thank you for your interest in donating to Forgotten Angels Resale Shop. Forgotten Angels is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that operates on the generous donations of our community. To schedule a donation, fill out the form below and a representative will contact you within 48 business hours to schedule a pickup. 

To Make a donation to Forgotten Angels, you must first agree to the terms of our Donation Agreement. Please read carefully and check each box before submitting your form.